Celebrate seasonal food through
the adventure of a Meal Planning Summer Camp!
This is the time of year to stroll through Farmers Markets, peek into CSA Farm Boxes full of surprises and hope that all of your garden seeds flourish into bountiful produce. Making sure all of this bounty gets on the dinner table in creative + beautiful ways is the challenge.
You don’t want the gifts of summer to go to waste!
We live in a society that obsesses about the right + wrong foods to eat, but food is really meant to be celebrated, respected, and shared. Only when we bring goodness to the table in a loving way can we truly dine + eat for our health.
Why can’t eating seasonally be simpler?
When the days start to warm up, gorgeous produce and summer camp always come to my mind. This year, Lilly’s Table is bringing them together in a playful, easy new way to meal plan.
Imagine sharing your garden’s bounty and market finds with the people you adore in ways that delight them.
Gather your friends for backyard affairs that are simple to prepare based on food that is genuinely fresh and straight from the earth.
Picture sitting with your children knowing that the food they are gleefully consuming is garden fresh, you know who grew it, and your own kids helped you plan + create the meal.
Growing up, my own summers revolved around the season as every meal came from my parent’s lovingly cultivated produce or our local farmers. We spent many lingering dinners surrounded by twinkling lights, from both candles and stars, as we savored the simplicity of the the summer harvest.
This experience taught me to value nature’s gifts of food. I learned when we savor goodness straight from the earth, it is exactly what our bodies and souls required for nourishment.
As a mother now, I relish my children’s faces when they devour the freshest real foods with pleasure. I crave these moments daily and I want you to have a taste of this delight through the simple strategies you will learn during the members-only Meal Plan Summer Camp.
Sign up for the Meal Plan Summer Camp to start creating dinner time magic: Become a Member of Lilly’s Table
“Lilly’s Table has been a game changer for me! As a busy mama of two, I love to cook but have little time to spend meal planning. Lilly’s Table makes it fun and easy to cook healthy meals for my family. I look forward to receiving a new menu each Friday and love the flexibility I have to make each menu my own. We are quickly finding many new family favorite meals, all thanks to Lilly’s Table!”
- Lily Jones, Founder of Curiosity Packs
“I get so bored of my own repertoire and Lilly’s Table makes experimenting almost effortless, plus it is great the way she incorporates leftovers into the rest of the week so nothing is wasted. Really worth my time.”
- Elizabeth Haselwood, certified Trager practitioner, Colorado
“Lilly’s Table has helped me re-enter the kitchen with a new excitement for cooking. I look forward to seeing the week’s new menu using seasonal foods, and love the simplicity and tastiness of the meals. The menus are varied and interesting: combining French, Mexican, Italian, and Asian-inspired themes with a fresh, health-conscious twist.”
- Nikki Knaddison, Denver, CO, mama of two children
“…a meal planning site which utilizes garden fresh food, fabulous pictures from a chef who comes across as a friend!”
- E.M., Denver, CO
Your cooking will get a revamp :: Join the Meal Plan Summer Camp
Come embrace your own journey as we dive into the tastiest possibilities of nature, community and celebration!
Cultivate your meal planning skills through a Summer Camp adventure that includes your whole family’s desires, the warm season’s guidance and the joy of just simply playing with your food.
Every week, from Summer Solstice on June 21st through the Fall Equinox on September 20th, Summer Campers will receive:
- The Camp Menu: Weekly Meal Plans curated around the season’s abundance
- Meal Planning Tips: Instead of pitching a tent, we will pitch Farm-to-Meal Plan strategies
- Bunk up with Lilly’s Table: New strategies for getting the most out of your favorite meal planning service
- Camp Counselor’s Guide: Tips for using the Summer Meal Plan Worksheet
- Secret Recipes: Just for Summer Campers including drinks, snacks, desserts + recipes kids can make themselves
The adventure continues with a private Facebook community and online group meet-ups, including:
- The Virtual Campfire: Gather for Meal Planning Google Hangouts– your favorite drink and s’mores are encouraged!
- Happy Camper Team Building: Q+A Meal Planning Recreation in the Facebook group where you will meet like-minded parents eager to meal plan
- Cook-a-long: Instead of a sing-a-long we will cook together in our own kitchen + virtually.
As an added BONUS, half way through the summer just as everyone is getting summer camp cabin fever we will be celebrating Back-to-School in seasonal style with:
- The Breakfast Club: Quick morning food ideas
- The Lunchbox: Packable kid’s recipes
- Faculty Lounge: Mama food strategies, so that YOU are eating at your optimal even when you are not feeding your family
- Home Room: Dinner routines that revolve around your own family’s calendar
Enroll as a Member of Lilly’s Table
to start your Meal Plan Summer Camp!
“Lilly’s Table is a fantastic resource for those who want to eat healthy, seasonal dishes but don’t have much time or creativity to put into meal planning. For me the worst part of cooking is actually figuring out what to make- this makes it easy, fun and delicious!”
- Addie Gross, Champaign, IL, mama of two boys
“Lilly’s Table has excellent recipes which are easy to follow, making meal planning and preparing much more convenient.”
- Sandy Genter
“Awesomely designed website that makes me excited to eat by the garden & avoid food wastage.”
- Kayla West
“Fantastic resource, inspiring ideas; gourmet but simplified recipes.”
- Leslie Weinstein, Lakewood, CO, mama of three children
“Lilly’s Table is an amazing website! It has made my meal planning much less hectic. The best part is that the recipes are healthy and not complicated!”
- Chelsea Beck, Colorado, mama of two children

Seasonal meal planning is coming soon to your own family table by the inspiration and strategies put into place by Lilly’s Table.
Community-driven, seasonal meal planning has never been such an adventure. Strap on your virtual backpacks as I fill them with all of the simple resources you need to create blissful meal times built around locally sourced food, just become a member of Lilly’s Table!
The Meal Plan Summer Camp fees are just $32 for the entire summer season or $12 per month.
When you sign up for the Summer Camp you also become a member of Lilly’s Table and these payments will be recurring until you cancel membership to guarantee several more seasons of meal planning joy!
If you are already an existing member of Lilly’s Table, contact lilly@lillystable.com and I will make sure you get on the list for all of the Summer Camp excitement!
Calling all Happy Campers! Join Lilly’s Table NOW!
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