photo-88Saying good-bye to family and happy shared memories is always sad. But, starting the morning with eggs, sausage and Huckleberry Pie makes it a bit better. I am planning to share the whole fabulous huckleberry camping story soon, but I need to get you caught up on today’s travels first.

My Mom helped me with the final packing including making us Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Sandwiches for our lunch. We also grabbed the Oatmeal Cookies that my nieces had made and we had not finished eating.

The biggest food part of the day however was packing all the great deliciousness that just had to come back with us to Colorado. This included not only two bags of frozen huckleberries, but our own chunk of my Dad’s smoked salmon. Our family friend’s Italian prune plums and my parent’s cucumbers were tucked into bags alongside the frozen items.

This seemed easy enough, but TSA at the Pasco Airport was not as excited about it. They nicely unpacked everything and I think they were rather charmed by the suitcase full of produce, but it was certainly a challenge to figure out how we had so carefully managed to get it all in there originally.

On the flight, we listened to a couple of kids screeching with joy and occasional frustration. Thankfully they were not our children, but I had deep sympathy for the mom flying solo with them.

Halfway through the flight Juliette and I toasted our glasses of sparkling water and dined on Sandwiches. And then she watched more of Ratatouille. Fortunately, it was a relatively quick flight.

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I woke up hungry. So, Xerxes, Lulu and I collaborated on a delightful meal that showcased the stars of our garden. Lulu started by shredding up one of my parent’s cucumbers into Tzatziki. Xerxes threw two ears of corn, a head of cauliflower and chicken drumsticks on the grill. Then we picked additional vegetables from the garden including the abundant Juliet tomatoes, yellow crookneck squash and super spicy arugula and sweet basil.

photo-87All the vegetables were chopped into a pretty salad and we smeared Tzatziki across with greens, chicken and cauliflower alongside.

photo-90Juliette insisted we eat the cookies for dessert which was the perfect finish.

Sweet dreams friends! I have more to share about huckleberries and can’t wait, but I am currently too sleepy…


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