I’ve been checking on our stores from the garden this week. Potatoes, parsnips and apples have moved to the downstairs fridge, garlic, onions and shallots are in our cool basement, winter squash is in a large pile in the kitchen serving the dual purpose of decoration and dinner, and popcorn has been taken off the cob and is dry enough for popping. I’m debating whether to harvest the carrots now before this next storm or just keep digging them up as we need them. I also finally got the garlic into the garden and covered it over with dried up parsnip greens to wait for springtime sprouting. We are bringing things indoors and getting ready for the cold months ahead.
During the summer our energy is all about the external. We run fast, play outdoors, soak up sun and eat fresh, light foods. As the light fades and we move towards winter solstice, our energy moves inwards. We reconnect with activities that require more mental focus such as work and school. Autumn is a season of Gathering–bring our harvest in and bring our energies in so we have sustenance for the cold months ahead.
Autumn holidays are wonderful expressions of what we experience during this season.
With Thanksgiving coming up this week, we are reminded of the importance of being with our loved ones. We are making plans to gather together, reconnect, and rekindle the human relationships that support us through the winter. And there is no better showcase for the foods of the season than Thanksgiving. You need look no further to get an intuitive feeling for fall support foods than your menu for dinner this Thursday.
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As I have mentioned in other posts, the primary systems that need support in the fall are the immunity and upper respiratory system. Coming back indoors and spending more time in close quarters with people means that colds, flus, and other infections become far more common. Beets and crucifers help to detoxify the system, and apples and pears contain pectins that improve elimination. These both help the body can fight infection more effectively. Onions and garlic are highly antimicrobial. Mushrooms boost the activity of immune cells. And winter squash and sweet potatoes are warming to the system. Also, don’t forget the spices of the season: ginger, cinnamon, allspice, and cloves all improve circulation and the movement of lymph to quickly resolve colds and flus.
One last thing to remember is the star of the Thanksgiving show: the bird. If you have the good fortune to end up with a turkey carcass, put it to good use! Bone broths are an excellent support for the immune system. All of our blood cells including our immune cells are manufactured in the marrow of our bones. When we boil the bones of an animal (be it beef, chicken, turkey, or whatever mammal you happen to be eating) we mobilize those immune cell making parts of the animal and can consume them to nourish our own immunity.
Whatever your traditions are, enjoy this great festival this week and enjoy the opportunity to give yourself what is needed during this season: community and immunity.
Happy Thanksgiving!